Posts Tagged ‘scores’

Working-Memory Report – Larry – First Two Periods

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Larry from Detroit has posted a his scores and thoughts on the training process a few times (Larry Session 7, Larry Session 11, Larry Session 19). He wrote to me a couple of days ago having completed his second full period of brain training. Larry confirmed that his improvements over those two sessions increased on a pretty straight line. (See below.) He ended the second period at a high of 3.66. Larry also shared the following:

“I’m observing some personal recall improvements, but will probably miss the subtleties of it all.  At age 75 I’ll merely be experiencing mental conditions from an earlier period and may accept them as
usual,.. ..’Going-back-in-time’ so to speak,..

I took a two week break between the two 19 Session Blocks (casually enjoying a few Sessions randomly, in between), and skipped a few days, intermittently, while doing the second,..

Finished on a binge of green tea and blueberries, met n=5 twice, and was politely dismissed,.. “

Seventy-five!! I hope I still have the head for Brain Fitness Pro at seventy-five. Well done, Larry!

Larrys Composite Scores