Posts Tagged ‘long term memory’

Brain Training Report – John-Stage 3, Session 6

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Session number: 06

Average n-back: 2.3

Duration (estimate in minutes): 15

After completing my first four sessions in stage three, I was unable to reach N3; this is very discouraging. It seems that my advances are minuscule in comparison to the time spent. Continuing diligently though, with the hope that if consistent, my cognitive abilities will gradually increase.

Over the last several months i have focused on my sleep, nutrition, and exercise. This is beginning to show some promise. Being constant in these areas has afforded me noticeable improvements in my attention, short term memory, and processing speed.

During Session 5,6, finally, I have broken through, to some extent, and was able to advance six times to N3. Obviously I would rather be a N4 or N5, but in time these levels will be attainable.

Merry Christmas to all.

Brain Fitness Pro working-memory training report

This post was submitted by John .