Brain Training Report – knaussj – Stage 3, Session 3

Stage: 3
Session: 3
Average N: 2.6

I found stages 1 and 2 to be incredibly easier than stage 3…does anyone have the same issue? Both stages 1 and 2 were done in one session, while im on my 3rd time on stage 3 and only have 8% complete. am i doing this right?

MindSparke Working Memory Training

One Response to “Brain Training Report – knaussj – Stage 3, Session 3”

  1. martin says:

    Hello, Knaussj.

    Stage 3 is a much trickier exercise. Stages 1 and 2 are introductory and can be quite brief because you can proceed by reaching n=5 and n=6 respectively.

    The duration of Stage 3 is 40 sessions regardless of the n-level you reach.

    I hope this helps!

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