Posts Tagged ‘information overload’

NY Times Article – Gadget and Information Overload

Monday, June 7th, 2010

My Desk - Complete with 3 Computers

The NY Times began a series of brain-related articles today with an article called “Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price.” For anyone who uses even a modicum of technology for home and work, the story will resonate, I think.

The piece does a great job of outlining the dangers of being overly attached to e-mail, text messages, twitter feeds, and the Internet in general.

Knowing that our habits and repeated actions reinforce our need to stay connected and multi-task points to the solution – we must work mindfully and diligently to break the habit!

For me, it’s great to have a training program like Brain Fitness Pro that demands my attention and helps me train my brain to stay on task.